To ensure that your brakes are working properly before starting a journey, you should not feel any sponginess or slack when you press the brake pedal. When you test the brakes, your vehicle should not pull to one side.
The windscreen washer reservoir is typically located under the hood of your vehicle. To check the windscreen washer level, you should locate the reservoir and ensure that it is filled to the recommended level.
You can find the recommended tyre pressures for your car in the manufacturer's guide or on a sticker located on the driver's side door jam. To check tyre pressures, you should use a tyre pressure gauge to ensure that each tyre is inflated to the recommended pressure.
To adjust the head restraint for optimal protection, you should ensure that the rigid part of the restraint is at least as high as the top of your eyes or ears, and as close to the back of your head as is comfortable. Some restraints may not be adjustable.
To check the tyres on your vehicle, you should ensure that there are no cuts or bulges in the tyres, and that the tread depth is at least 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the breadth of the tyre and around the entire outer circumference.
To check that the headlights and tail lights are working, you should turn on the ignition (if necessary) and walk around the vehicle to ensure that all of the lights are functioning properly.
<p>To check that the direction indicators are working, you should apply the indicators or hazard warning switch and ensure that all of the indicators are functioning properly.</p>
To check that the brake lights are working, you should apply the brake pedal and make use of reflections in windows, garage doors, or ask someone to help.
To check that the brake lights are working, you should apply the brake pedal and make use of reflections in windows, garage doors, or ask someone to help.
• Start the engine. • Apply gentle pressure on the steering wheel. • Observe if the steering wheel moves slightly. • If the steering wheel does not move slightly, the power assisted steering may not be working correctly.
• Apply foot brake firmly. • Check if the parking brake (handbrake) secures itself when fully applied. • If the parking brake does not secure itself, it may be worn out.
• Open the bonnet. • Locate the dipstick/oil level indicator. • Check the oil level against the minimum/maximum markers. • If the oil level is below the minimum marker or above the maximum marker, the engine may not have sufficient oil.
• Open the bonnet. • Locate the high/low-level markings on the header tank or radiator filler cap. • Check the coolant level against the correct level markings. • If the coolant level is below the minimum marker or above the maximum marker, the engine may not have the correct level of coolant.
• Open the bonnet. • Locate the brake fluid reservoir. • Check the level against the high/low markings. • If the brake fluid level is below the minimum marker or above the maximum marker, the brake system may not have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid.
• Turn on the ignition if necessary. • Check the control for the horn. • If the horn does not sound when the control is operated, it may not be working correctly.
• Turn on the ignition if necessary. • Operate the control to wash and wipe the windscreen. • If the windscreen is not cleaned effectively, the windscreen washer and wipers may not be working correctly.
• Turn on the ignition if necessary. • Set all relevant controls including; fan, temperature, air direction/source, and heated screen to clear windscreen and windows. • If the windows are not cleared effectively, the demister controls may not be set correctly.
• Turn on the ignition if necessary. • Operate the switch to turn on the dipped headlights and ignition if necessary. • Check the warning light is on. • The rear fog light(s) should be used when visibility is reduced due to fog, rain, or snow.
• Turn on the ignition if necessary. • Operate the switch to turn on the main beam headlight. • Check the warning light is on. • If the warning light is on, the main beam headlight is on. Note: The warning light should be on when the main beam headlight is on.